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VRSTC Off-Season Lap Swim Reservation website - Getting started
Information on Getting Started

Welcome to the VRSTC Off-Season Lap Swim Reservation system on http://offseason.vrstc.org! For those of you who are members, it will have the same look and feel of our main website (though it is bright ORANGE as opposed to the blue you’ve become accustomed to) but you will have to login separately from the main website. For returning non-members, you’ll be familiar with the site from last year. More information on the login below and in email.

On this website you’ll be able to make lap swim reservations and check for news/updates, and we’ll be able communicate information and status directly with you easily. Our 2024-25 off-season lap swim season starts on Monday 9/9/2024, and you’ll be able to start making reservations for 7 days a week out starting on 9/2/2024.

In order to ensure that you are ready to go for the opening of the season, please make sure that registered off-season swimmers of household do the following:

  • Sign in to the off-season website (http://offseason.vrstc.org)
  • Setup your account settings
  • Check out info on the reservation system (which is identical to our reservation system used for summer swimming)

See the instructions on all of this in the below page.

Signing in for first time:

Signing in on the website for the first time is easy. All you need is your email address. To get started, just click on the “Member Sign In” on the upper left hand sid of the page just below the VR logo. Or just click on the “Member Sign In” button below.

Sign in Page:

You will be brought to the member sign in page. On that page do the following:

  1. In the edit box that says “Enter your email.” enter your email address.
  2. Leave the PIN edit box (that reads “Setup PIN – Leave blank if unsure.”) blank.
  3. Click the “Enter Member Dashboard” button

An PIN will be sent to the email address you entered. Make sure to check your spam/junk folders if it doesn’t show up in your inbox. Get that PIN and enter it in the PIN edit box to login.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are a member of the pool and using the  VRSTC.ORG website, you will notice that you have a different PIN on this site. These websites are independent, but you can edit your PIN and make both of them the same if you desire.

Having problems signing in:

  • If you receive a “Your email was not found.” message and no email, the email you tried is not in the system.
  • Members: Your email address should be the same as your current email address being used on our main website.
  • Non-members: For returning non-members, your email address should be the same as last season. For new non-members, the email address will be the one that you supplied to us.
  • NOTE: People in the same household had to sign up for off-season swim with different email addresses and have to login separately.
  • Still having problems? Email VRSTC Membership (membership@vrstc.org) and let us know that you signed up for off-season swim and your email isn’t working. We’ll make sure you get setup.


Getting to Accounts Settings page:

Once you login, you can start updating your account settings the way you want. The first thing you might consider is updating your PIN. You can do that by going to the Member Dashboard and clicking “Your Account”.

You can also go directly there by clicking the button below.

Goto YOUR ACCOUNT settings

On your accounts setting page you can do the following:

  • Update or change your email address – No more needing to contact someone at VR with an email update.
  • Change your PIN – You don’t have to keep the one that you were sent in email for initial login. PLEASE NOTE: If you are a member of the pool and using the  VRSTC.ORG website, you will notice that you have a different PIN on this site. These sites are independent, but you can edit your PIN and make both of them the same.
  • Add your cell phone information – You can even decide if you want to get text messages when other household members check in to the pool.

Reservation System

Info on the reservation system:

The reservation system we’ll be using for off-season is the same one that members have been using to reserve for lap swim, pickleball, and tennis courts this summer. It will be a change for returning non-members but it is intuitive and easy to use.

To reserve a lap-swim lap you must be logged in as yourself. If logged in, you won’t be able to make a reservation for anyone else. Everyone who has signed up for off-season lap swim is in the system and able to log in.

To make a reservation, simply go to the reservation grid by choosing “Swim/RESERVE LAP SWIM LANE” in the top header menu OR by clicking the swim reservations icon (????) in what is called the “Top Bar”. Once you are on the reservation grid, you can click on any available/blank/free time to reserve it.

The first day of VRSTC Off-Season Lap-Swim is Monday 9/9/2024. You can start going to the reservation grid 7 days before that (on Monday 9/2/2024) to start making reservations for days 1 week out.

PLEASE NOTE: The participants in off-season lap swim who are non-members should refrain from making 6am – 7am reservations until 8pm the night before.

For users new to this reservation system, one of the differences from the old YourCourts system is that allows 3 reservations per the 7 day rotation for each with a reset at 12.01am (not after your reservation time like the old YourCourts system). This is why we allow 3 (not 2) reservations in 7 days.

An additional feature is that a lane is free an hour before the reservation time, you can book that lane without it counting against your limit of 3 reservations.

iPhone Reservation Application

Information on iPhone application with Off-season: (Info recently added to info page on 9/9/2023)


We’ve been waiting to post details about using the iPhone reservation application until the end of the summer season because you can only use the iPhone application with either the summer season or the off-season at any one given time.  If you would like to transition now to the off-season, this is what you should do in the iPhone application:

1. Click the circled “i” in the top right corner
2. Click “Removed Saved Info”
3. Search for “View”
4. Choose “View Ridge Swim Club (Offseason)”
5. Enter your email and pin for the View Ridge off-season swim site (NOTE: make sure to use your PIN from the off-season website if it differs from your summer PIN.)
If you are new to the iPhone application you would just need to start from the “Search for “View”” step.
We also don’t necessarily endorse or promote the iPhone application as it is a bit tricky to use with the number of lanes we have. The use of the iPhone application is personal preference and up to each individual user.
Account Setup is Complete!

Well, that’s it. Your initial account setup is now complete and you’re ready to go for the beginning of the off-season lap swim season. Looking forward to seeing you at the pool this fall, winter, and spring!

Still having problems or questions?